Facing criminal charges or other legal troubles is stressful and can impair your judgement when you need it most. Hiring a criminal lawyer to advise, represent and support you during this time is prudent. Criminal lawyers are your best chance of getting your charges dropped or improving your case’s potential outcome. Here are some common mistakes to avoid during the hiring process, as they may prove detrimental to your case.
Waiting to Contact a Criminal Lawyer
Not getting a lawyer involved the moment your legal troubles start can harm your case. For instance, in the event of an arrest, you risk inadvertently saying the wrong things to the police. Police officers are trained to extract incriminating information from arrestees for use in a case. Hiring a lawyer early can protect you from self-incrimination.
Furthermore, a lawyer who is involved at an early stage will be familiar with your unique situation, so they can start building your defence strategy right away if you are charged.
Most importantly, hiring a lawyer early can help you avoid having any criminal record or charges laid against you. Once a charge is approved, it can have a significant impact on your life.
Hiring an Inexperienced Lawyer
Do not make the mistake of hiring an inexperienced criminal lawyer. Many criminal offences have dire consequences, and hiring an inexperienced lawyer jeopardizes your chance of a successful outcome. You are better served by hiring a lawyer with several years of experience who understands how to navigate the criminal justice system successfully. A lawyer with knowledge of what works and what doesn’t in specific circumstances can better guide and advise you through the process.
Conducting Inadequate Research
When facing legal trouble, you may be tempted to hire the first criminal lawyer you meet with; however, do not hire a criminal lawyer without conducting adequate research. A lot is at stake, and it’s best to hire a lawyer with whom you are comfortable and in whom you have confidence.
Referrals and the internet are good starting points for finding the right lawyer. Once you’ve found a few you’re comfortable with, check their credentials and ask about their success rate. Make use of free consultations and ensure that you undertake the necessary due diligence.
Hiring a Lawyer Who Does Not Specialise in Criminal Law
Criminal law is complicated and highly nuanced. Hiring a lawyer with limited knowledge of the specifics will leave you at a disadvantage. In contrast, criminal law specialists have knowledge and experience gathered over an extended period of time practicing, which helps prepare, present and resolve your case effectively.
Choosing the Cheapest Criminal Lawyer
Choosing a criminal lawyer based on how little or how much they charge is not the best way to do so. Opting for a lawyer because they are inexpensive may cost you more in the long run. In some instances, the low cost reflects the quality of service. Knowledge and experience are not cheap, and good criminal lawyers charge what they think they are worth. Base your decision on other factors such as quality of representation, commitment, track record and what you can afford.
Assuming That Big Law Firms Are Best
It’s incorrect to assume that more prominent criminal law firms are always better. While large firms have lots of resources and can produce great results, many boutique-sized firms provide effective representation and better results than large firms.
Withholding Information
It is crucial to be open and honest with your lawyer. They need to know everything about your circumstances and your case to build a strong defence. They even need information you may not deem relevant or don’t want to tell them. By withholding information, you prevent your lawyer from producing the best defence strategy and achieving the best outcome for your case.
Finding the Right Criminal Lawyer in Vancouver
If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence, contact Johnson Doyle Nelson & Anderson in Vancouver. Our knowledgeable criminal lawyers have many years of experience. We will provide you with personalized service and the expert representation that you need to resolve your issue successfully. Call us today at 604-688-8338 to schedule a consultation.